Monday July 27
Writing 10:30 Noon
Arts and Crafts @4
Field Games 5-6
Tuesday July 28
Zumba @8-9
Wednesday July 29
Adult Tennis 9-Noon
Kid's softball 5-6
Thursday July 30
Zumba 8-9
Friday July 31
Kid's tennis 2-5 (Time change for this week)
Saturday Aug 1
Aug. 1 Pancake Breakfast 8:30-10:00
Lobster Bake 6:00: cocktails at 6, dinner @6:30 BYOB
Sunday Aug 2
Chapel Services 9:30
you to all who chaired an activity this past week, Connie Saindon and
Ginny Kern for the kid's picnic, Maureen Driscoll and Lisa Rush for
Deadline for Lobster Bake tickets is today please email me if you are interested in attending.
Don't miss out on the Clamshell Open: sign up sheet will be at the Casino beginning Monday July 27.
Just a reminder regarding Ginny's schedule:
Mon, Wed.,Thurs, Fri, hours are 8-11 and 4-7
Sat. 8-noon
Sat. 8-noon
Sun 8-1
is her day off. If you need to reach her at other times please leave a
message @2321 and she will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Send me your news for this week's column.
Thank you all for your continued support of activities, it is greatly appreciated.
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