Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ocean Point Column July 30

Ocean Point Column
July30, 2015
By Maryellen Bertrand

Thanks to Ginny Kern and Connie Saindon for hosting the children’s beach party and picnic last week and Maureen Driscoll and Lisa Rush for organizing the ladies Bunco, both vents were well attended and very entertaining. There are no results for the softball game to report as the game was unfortunately rained out, as was the ball game grill, The ball game grill is rescheduled for August 9.

Saturday August 1 the pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30-10:00 a.m. and later that evening plan to attend the lobster bake on Shore Road beginning at 6:00 P.M. Please join us for what I am sure will be a wonderful gathering.

Lisa Burger former pastor of the East Boothbay and Southport Methodist Churches will conduct Sunday services at the Chapel on August 2, services begin at 9:30.
The second children’s beach picnic will be held on Monday August 3 at 5 P.M. at Grimes Cove and the second ladies Bunko will be on Wednesday August 5.
The Men’s Clamshell Open will be held on Saturday August 8 and sign up is at the Casino.
If you have not already done so, please pay your membership and tennis fees before the Annual Meeting on August 15.

Debi (Eakin) Dipietro was here recently with 12 friends from the Newburyport, Ma. Tennis Club. They played lots of tennis and enjoyed dinner at the Inn, toured the Botanical Gardens, ate lobster rolls at Trevett and organized a croquet tournament on Dianne’s lawn. They thoroughly enjoyed their stay and all agreed that they would love to return to Ocean Point next summer.

Speaking of returning to Ocean Point, there was a wonderful article written by Avery Hunt titled I Remember…Ocean Point in the July 23 edition of the Coastal Journal. In her article Avery recalls spending a month at Ocean Point with her best friend Margie Earl when she was 13 back in the 50’s. The Earl Family stayed in the Dow cottage (now the Anderson cottage). Avery writes about all of the activities that teenagers experience at Ocean Point; swimming off the dock, water skiing, fishing, hiking to Cunner Rock, spending an overnight on Negro Island, Burnham’s store (which is now the Dunklee residence) and all of the activities at the Casino. Reading her article brought back memories of my own that I cherish dearly. Just as many of us have stayed connected to Ocean Point and friends; Avery has also stayed in touch with many of her Ocean Point friends, several of whom she mentions in her article. In fact after that memorable summer Avery returned with her own family for several summers.  Ocean Point truly is a special place!

Have a great week!

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