Ocean Point Column
July 23,2015
By Maryellen Bertrand
It has been another extremely busy week of enjoyable
activities here at the Point. We were all treated to an informative
presentation of seal rescue last Tuesday evening thanks to John and Pat Waldman
and Sue and Bob Goodrich. Both couples are involved in the seal rescue program.
I highly recommend attending the August presentation, as it was both
educational and enlightening.
Many thanks to the Browns, Danas and Whitehouses for a
fabulous porch party held on Saturday evening, we were all treated to a
wonderful surprise as Barb and Gus Newell were in attendance looking as
youthful and vibrant as ever. It was so wonderful to see them, as they have not
been here in awhile.
Thanks to our activity director Ginny for planning a fun
scavenger hunt for our younger residents. The results of the hunt are as
follows: Jefferson, Luke and Dillon Driscoll and their friend Brendan won Ist
place. Second place was Kevin and Kyle Rush along with teammates
Patrick Carroll, Lennon Dorris and Zach Quintero. In 3rd Place was Caroline
Driscoll, and her friend Naeve and the 4th place finishers were
Camden Hornor and her cousin Addy Cleary.
Jim Brown is here for the month with many family members.
Son Bob and daughter in law Mary and their children are here as are Betsy
(Brown) and Bruce Plummer.
Nice to see Sharon and David Pike here for a weekend visit;
they hope to return later in the season. Their son Jeffrey is a police officer
with the Derry N H police department and while driving home one night recently
he encountered a house on fire; he quickly ran in to save an elderly gentleman
in a wheelchair. You are to be commended Jeffrey for such a heroic deed!
Dianne Eakin entertained some college friends from the
University of Vermont and had a wonderful time, Mary Jo Brandstatter, Linda
Ball and Sally Jaynes thoroughly enjoyed a boat ttrip, a visit to the Botanical
Gardens and of course eating lobster!
The Stevens Family has exciting news; Chelsea is engaged to
be married to Tim Reins. Chelsea is the daughter of the late John Stevens and
Jennifer Stevens of Pacific Grove California and Ocean Point and the
granddaughter of the late John and Jean Stevens also of Ocean Point. Chelsea
and Tim are planning a June 2016 wedding in Durango, Colorado where they
currently reside.
The Sunday ball
game last week found team Bertrand defeating Team Plummer by a score of 10-9.
CJ Brown was the outstanding athlete of the game, while his proud grandfather,
Jim, sat on the sidelines to watch. It seems so fitting as Jim Brown taught
most young people to play softball every Wednesday evening throughout the
summer for many years!
Trustees of the OPCT are seeking individuals who would be
interested in becoming members of the Board of Trustees. Please contact Lanny
Whitehouse at 633-4962 leslan@verizon.net, Helene Cass at 350-4026
hcass@yahoo.com or Alec Dun at 609-933-7934 jamesdun@princeton.edu if interested
in serving.
Rev. Edward
Wynn Jr. United Methodist Minister (Ret) Damariscotta, Maine will conduct
Sunday Services a Wilson Chapel on July 26. There will be a Ball game grill on
that Sunday immediately following the ball game. Please bring a side/salad or
dessert to share, burgers and dogs are provided.
Two major events will take place on Saturday August 1
beginning with the ever-popular pancake breakfast at 8:30 until 10:00 A.M. to
be followed that evening by the Lobster Bake at 6:00 P.M on Shore Rd.
You may purchase your tickets at the Casino no later than
Saturday July 25th. Plan to attend this fun event!!
The Activities Calendar has some additional updates, drop by
the Casino for the latest calendar, Have a great week!
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