Friday, October 20, 2017

Ocean Point Column 10-19-2017

Ocean Point Column
October 19,2017
By Maryellen Bertrand

Many Ocean Pointers were on hand over the holiday weekend to close for the season and the weather was quite cooperative with almost summer like temperatures. Thanks to the BRWD several of us lucky cottage owners took advantage of an extra weekend and the temperatures continued to be warm and balmy. Sadly most of us have now returned to our winter homes with the hopes of returning to Ocean Point very soon.

Lanny and Leslie Whitehouse are two of the few holdouts but will return home within in the next week or two. Lanny conveyed how difficult it is to say goodbye to Ocean Point after a fantastic summer of activities and sharing good times with friends, a sentiment I know we all share.

Suzie and Pete Hamblett have just returned from a fabulous 2-week river cruise up the Danube River with Squirrel Island residents Susan and Art Veasey; Suzie and Pete were also here this past weekend closing.

Doug Eakin spent a month at Ocean Point this fall and had a wonderful time catching up with old friends and swimming at the dock every day. Doug had not been to the Point for a number of years and was pleased to have the opportunity to return.

Jean Slayton’s family was here for the holiday weekend. I had a chance to speak with her grandson Beckett who is enjoying his first year at Bowdoin, his sister Hattie is studying in Spain for the school year.

Joan Libby celebrated her birthday recently with her family, happy belated birthday Joan.

It has been reported that John King is out of the hospital and feeling better, so glad to hear that John!

An AED has been installed at the Casino and will be serviced and maintained through the off-season by the ambulance service. There are now 2 AED’s available on the Point, the second location is at the Inn. There is an app on your phone called Pulse Point that tells you where the closest AED is located if needed, a big thanks to Lanny Whitehouse for organizing this for our community. We hope to have instruction on the correct use of the defibrillator by a member of the ambulance service sometime next summer.

Should you happen to venture back to Ocean Point in the off-season the General Store has now changed its hours; Liz will be open Monday through Saturday and is now closed on Sunday. Kelly at the Carriage House has resumed his delicious Sunday Brunch and Fiona and Greg at Harborside Tavern will continue serving through the fall until sometime mid December.

Have a wonderful healthy winter and a safe return home. I do hope to hear from many of you with all of your news.

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