Sunday, October 15, 2017

Letter from OPCT President Mike Anderson

Dear Members and Friends of Ocean Point
At the Ocean Point Colony Trust annual meeting held on August 19th our membership voted to approve plans to build a new Casino, two tennis courts and a multi-use sports court. The vote marked a culmination of over 5 years of long term planning and 2 years of extensive design work on the proposed plan to address the needs of our aging facilities. Over that time period we offered to you, our membership, the opportunity to give input into the design. We listened to your ideas, dreams and concerns and believe we have captured, with this design, what the community wants for the future. We now move to the next phase of the project, raising the funds necessary to turn this plan into a reality.
I am pleased to announce the official kick off of our Capital Campaign!
Preservation Project Committee’s
Let me introduce my fellow Ocean Pointers who have volunteered to serve.
Finance Committee:
Paul Cass, Chair Dave Finch, Treasurer Lanny Whitehouse Dick Palmer Matt Lindley Maureen Driscoll
Tennis/Sports Court Committee:
Susan Anderson, Chair Rhea McGranaghan,jimmy Rush
PO Box 642 East Boothbay, ME 04544
Building Committee:
To be appointed
Thank you to all who have offered your time and talent to these very important committees.
Estimated Timeline
Many have asked, what is the timeline for the project? How quickly we raise the budgeted funds will determine when we move to the build phase. The Finance Committee is executing a plan to meet the fund raising goal. Expect further communication as we move forward.
Capital Campaign
I am excited to announce that we have made significant progress in preparation to accept your contributions. Here are few milestones that have been reached.
We have updated the web site to include important information about the project and the fund raising campaign. You can now download the capital campaign brochure which has instructions for making contributions. We are working on the web site to allow for contributions to be made online and will notify you when this feature becomes available.
We have opened an account at The First National Bank of Damariscotta dedicated to the Preservation Project. These contributions will be separate from the assets of the Colony Trust. We ask that you send your contributions to the PO Box or give them to any Officer, Trustee or Finance Committee member.
Please designate if you will be opting for the 3 year giving plan. OPCT Preservation Project
PO Box 642 East Boothbay, ME 04544

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