Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Summer 2015!!


     It's so exciting that another summer is swiftly approaching, and I'm looking forward to a fun-filled, busy season, as I'm sure you all are, too!
     The activities calendar has had a few adjustments, so please go to the site to check out what's changed. We are still in need of people who would be willing to organize and run the "Family Beach Party & Picnic" on Monday, July 20th @ 5p.m., as well as "Ladies Bunco & Left-Right-Center" on Wednesday, July 22nd @ 7 p.m. I am happy to help out as needed.
     I'd like to put out a request for any gently used sporting equipment (especially soccer net(s) that you no longer need and would be willing to donate to the casino. Additionally, it would be wonderful to have people volunteer for any of the "Kids Arts & Crafts" times on Mondays @ 4 p.m.  I am more than willing to assist with set up, clean up, craft ideas, etc. And, speaking of Kids Arts & Crafts, Suzie Hamblett is donating some supplies for a fun activity which will be done on Monday, July 6th. So, please collect shells, sea glass, and any other decorative items for a great looking finished product! And, thank you, Suzie for your generous contribution!
     I'm happy to announce that the kids tennis lessons will be conducted by Chantalle Lavertu who is a certified Elite Tennis Professional for the United States Professional Tennis Association. Chantalle has years of tennis experience and is looking forward to teaching the kids at Ocean Point. There are three Fridays when the clinic times will shift from the normal 9 a.m. - Noon time frame (please see activities calendars for specific dates and times). As always, sign up sheets for lessons will be posted on the bulletin board at the casino.
     I will be getting the casino ready starting next Saturday, June 27th for the "official" opening date of Monday, June 29th. Please feel free to stop by next weekend if you need to borrow any equipment. And, as always, I'm happy to hear of any suggestions or questions you may have ...
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon ~
Ginny Kern
Activities Director

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