Job Description: Activities Director, Ocean Point Colony Trust The Activities Director (AD) is responsible for the daily and seasonal doings in and around the Ocean
Point “Casino,” a complex that sits at the heart of the summer colony of Ocean Point, Maine.
The Casino itself is a multi-purpose building, consisting of a large community center room, a small office, a restroom, and storage space. It is surrounded by three tennis courts and a softball/athletic field, and is fronted on two sides by small roads.
Terms of Employment: The AD
a) will receive a salary of $6000; b) will receive housing in a separate cottage on the Casino grounds; c) will work 8-11am, 4-7pm, , 8am-12pm Saturdays, 8am-1pm Sundays d) will begin late in June and stay until the 3rd or 4th week of August; e) will work closely with the OPCT’s Activities Committee and Chairperson, Maintenance
Manager, Treasurer, President, and Board of Trustees; and f) will, in general, engage closely and energetically with the OP community.
Over the course of the summer months, the AD conducts and convenes various and varying weekly community events. These may include:
• a Sunday softball game for adults • a game evening for children (softball, kickball, capture the flag, etc.) • adult tennis events (mixers) • children’ s tennis clinics (as necessary) • periodic arts and crafts events • periodic adult &/or children’s tennis events (scrambles, tournaments, mixers) • exercise classes & yoga • game nights (children & adults) • movie nights (children)
The AD also helps coordinate and presides over a variety of monthly and seasonal events, some of which are longstanding Ocean Point traditions. Generally speaking, these events are organized by community members, leaving the AD to provide logistical support (signage, publicity, set-up/break-down, etc.). The AD is also responsible for maintaining and coordinating the calendar of events over the summer. These events include:
• a community-wide “Horribles Parade” (July 4), followed by field races and a BBQ • a chicken BBQ evening • pancake breakfasts • porch parties
• attic sales • lobster bakes • an annual meeting
On a daily basis, the AD is responsible for the basic upkeep of the Casino and its grounds, , maintaining records of expenditures and receipts, and for
four days a week
which includes
keeping floors, restrooms and kitchen cleanensuring the Casino is fully supplied and its various pieces of equipment and sporting goods are in good order.
Given these terms and responsibilities, the OPCT is looking for the following qualities in the individual who will serve as the community’s next AD:
• cheerfulness and enthusiasm: a welcoming personality so as to bring in families and visitors to OPCT functions and to encourage wide and expanding participation;
• dedication and responsibility: a reliable worker who will be the lynch-pin for the Ocean Point community’s common doings;
• conscientiousness: someone who will be a steward of the Casino and its grounds, and who will watch out for the young people who gather there;
• competent sports and activities instruction (chiefly tennis) • first-aid training (CPR certification preferable)
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to The position will remain open until filled, but candidates applying by March 15 will receive full consideration.
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