Ocean Point Column
July 9.2015
By Maryellen Bertrand
activities are in full swing at the Point and the Fourth of July was a perfect
day for our holiday celebration. This year’s parade was made extra special by
the presence of our Grand Marshall, Jim Anagnost. Jim was not only celebrating
his 91st birthday but, as we all discovered, was also a Bronze Star
recipient not once but twice for his bravery and valor during WW11. You are
truly an American hero Jim, Happy Birthday. Nat Wilson very generously drove
Jim in one of his beautiful antique cars, so thank you Nat.
Of course the band always adds a special touch to the
occasion and this year we had more members than ever, thanks to the Marden
Family, the Hamblett Family, the Dawson Family and the Dun-Rappaport Family for
providing the entertainment.
The first softball game of the season was played on Saturday
with Team Bertrand defeating Team Yerrall 5-3. Matt Plummer and Beckett Slayton
made outstanding plays. Sunday’s game saw Team Bertrand defeat Team Yerrall for
a second time 10-9. Once again Matt Plummer dominated play with 2 home runs;
Dan Shea also hit a home run, as did Daniel Anderson.
The Chicken Barbeque was held Saturday evening with a sell
out crowd in attendance, a very special thanks to JD Hankinson and his able crew,
Matt Lindley, Dave and Ted Kern, John Webster for preparing such a delicious
meal. Thanks to Donna Logan and Ginny Kern for ticket sales and to the members
of the activities committee including Cookie Dana as well as Jonathan and Luke
Yerrall, Zack and Luke Arnpriester, Kevin and Kyle Rush, Jim Rush, Riley
Notorangeli for set up and decorations and to all who came out to support the
first major event of the season.
Sue Goodrich and Kate Turpie are responsible for producing
our very own first edition of the Ocean Point Calendar. The photos were all
taken by Sue Goodrich and include various scenes from around the Point. The
calendar is on sale for $14.00 and is available at the Casino or through Kate
Turpie. Please support this worthwhile fundraiser.
Congratulations to Ron Salter who is the featured artist at
the Memorial Library this month with 18 paintings on exhibit. Stop by and see
his beautiful work.
Don’t forget the Food Sale on Friday July 10 beginning at
9:30. You are asked to bring food items to the Casino before 9 A.M. Donna Logan
is in charge of this event.
The Pancake Breakfast is Saturday July 11th
beginning at 8:30 chaired by the Newell Family and the Memorial Golf Tournament
is also on Saturday chaired by Link Brown. Please be at the course by 7:30 for
an 8 A.M. start.
Sunday July 12th Peter Panagore will be
conducting Sunday Services at the Wilson Memorial Chapel. Peter is from the
First Parish Radio of America, Portland Maine and is a resident of East
Tuesday July 14
there will be a Seal Rescue presentation organized by John Waldman. Please see
the Casino Bulletin Board for the time of this interesting event and on
Thursday July 16 a tennis scramble will take place from 4:30-6:30 P.M. chaired
by Susan Anderson.
As you can see there many activities happening and the
Activities Committee urges you to attend as many of them as possible; check the
Casino for any date or times changes.
Have a great week!
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