Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ocean Point Column July 2

Ocean Point Column
July 2,2015
By Maryellen Bertrand

The Ocean Point Community continues to grow with each passing day as residents arrive for vacation and the fourth of July holiday celebration. Ocean Point’s festivities will kick off with the Horribles Parade on Saturday morning beginning at 9:30 A.M. on Van Horn Road.

Don’t forget to purchase your Chicken Barbeque tickets for Saturday evening at 6:30. There are a limited number of tickets available for sale this week. You may contact Donna Logan or see Ginny Kern at the Casino. If you plan to attend please bring a side dish/salad or dessert to share and your own utensils.
Also, the Ocean Point Colony Trust invites all Ocean Pointers to attend the Town Hall meeting scheduled for Sunday evening at the Casino beginning at 5 P.M.

The Rev. Wesley A. Smith, Minister of the First Baptist Church, Hamilton N.Y, will conduct Sunday services for July 5th at the Wilson Memorial Chapel.

 Activities will be in full swing the week of July 6th,check your calendar for days and times. The Writing class will not be held on Monday July 6th but will begin the week of July 13th. Please plan to attend the Bake Sale on Friday July 10 hosted by Donna Logan from 9:30-11:00 A.M., bring all food items to the Casino by 9 o’clock.

The first Pancake Breakfast of the season occurs on Saturday July 11 from 8:30 to 10:00 chaired by the Newell family so bring your appetite for that event.

The Memorial Golf Tournament will be held that day beginning at 8:00 A.M. Plan to arrive at the club by 7:30 for check in. This is a coed tournament with a $25.00 entry fee which includes lunch and prizes. Golfers are responsible for their own golf fees. The sign up sheet is posted at the Casino; see Link Brown for any questions regarding this event.

Congratulations to Donna Logan who recently retired after 38 years of teaching from the Berlin Public Schools in Berlin, Ct.

Congratulations as well to Jefferson and Caroline Driscoll who both received awards from their schools. Jefferson received the David Crawford/Finest Human Traits Award from Thayer Academy where he is a 7th grade student and Caroline received the Cardinal Award from her school in recognition of her outstanding student performance.
Caroline was also invited to speak before the female caucus of the Massachusetts House of Representatives regarding her dream of becoming President one day; quite an accomplishment for a fourth grade student!

The Fireworks Committee would like to thank all who contributed to the Fireworks Fund this year; thanks to your generosity they exceeded their goal.

I hope to see many of you at the Fourth of July activities this upcoming weekend.
Have a great week!

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