Wednesday, April 9, 2014

OP Column April 10, 2014

Ocean Point Column
By Maryellen Bertrand
April 10, 2014

There is some exciting news to report this week. Meredith McFall, daughter of Tom and Kate McFall will be married this summer at Ocean Point to her fiancé James Kerr. Meredith and James will be married at the Wilson Memorial Chapel. Best Wishes and congratulation to you both on your upcoming nuptials.

The Meagher/Bertrand/ Rush family will also have a wedding this July in Boothbay, as my brother Peter’s daughter Katy will marry Bryan DiMare. Katy and Bryan will be married at Our Lady Queen of Peace. Their wedding is especially exciting and meaningful for our family as she will be the first to be married in that church, Congratulations and best wishes to them as well.

The Dun Family has just returned from a wonderful vacation in England. Jim and Doreen and their grandchildren Mali and Liam spent a week in London touring all of the wonderful sights that London has to offer. They visited The Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, The Churchill War Rooms, as well as a tour of the Harry Potter set with its magical sights and animals at the Warner Bros. studio in North London, Liam attended a Tottenham vs. Southampton soccer match with his godfather, an Amherst friend of his dad, Alec. Their picture appeared in one of the London papers the next day, as they happened to be sitting directly behind where the winning goal was kicked. The Duns spent some time touring Richmond and visiting with relatives who will in turn be visiting them this summer at the Point. Doreen reports that it was a fabulous trip.

Dianne Eakin recently visited her brother Steve and sister in law Maggie in South Carolina and had a wonderful time. Her daughter Debbie was also there for a short visit.

I understand that they are working vigorously on the changes that are being made at the golf course. Link Brown has been keeping many of us updated as to what is happening so thank you Link. We will certainly look forward to a great season of golf very soon as the golf course is scheduled for a May 1 opening. Many of the harbor restaurants are also planning on reopening for the season around that time as well.

Check out the Blog as Tom has additional updates from the BRWD regarding seasonal water.

Final touches are currently being made to the Activities Calendar so if any of you wish to coordinate or volunteer for an activity please contact me.

Have a great week.

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