Thursday, March 20, 2014

OP Column March 20, 2014

Ocean Point Column
March 20
By Maryellen Bertrand

After a 2-week hiatus it is certainly nice to be able to report some news. I am, as I am sure that you all are, counting the days not only until spring but returning to the Point as well. Let’s hope the spring and summer months are a little more cooperative than winter has been.

The weather has certainly not been a deterrent for Jean and John Webster as they recently travelled to Deer Isle for a belated Christmas dinner with Susan Webster and Stu Kestenbaum. Also joining them were Arthur Webster and June and Bob Rose. They enjoyed the traditional Italian dishes however; the dessert was a summertime favorite, blueberry buckle. Now that certainly makes you think ahead to summer!

Donald and Francesca Demers along with their daughters Deanna and Marina recently visited Key West for some warmth and relaxation and had a wonderful time with friends from Boothbay. Deanna flew from Manhattan where she is currently working at Barlis Wedlick Architectural Firm in New York. Deanna recently graduated from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and younger sister Marina will graduate from high school this year. Congratulations to both girls.
Donald is busy preparing for another one-man show of seascapes at the J.Russell Janishian Gallery in Fairfield, Ct. in June. I’m sure it will be just as wonderful as his recent show in Boston.
The Demers Family will actually be celebrating 3 high school graduations this year. Along with Marina, Darrell and Sharon’s twins, Nate and Sarah will also graduate. Congratulations to them as well.

Judy Dawson visited for a few days with Holly and Larry Hornor last week and they got together with Tish and Tom McGonegal. They all had a wonderful evening chatting about Ocean Point, a nice way to take your mind off present weather conditions! 

The Bertrand/Rush family will gather soon for their annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration of corned beef and cabbage. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate, it’s always a fun and upbeat occasion.

Finally our sincerest condolences to John David and Kelly Hankinson and family on the death of Kelly’s father, Frank Parker of Middletown, Springs, Vt. and also on the passing of John David’s stepmother, Ginny McMillan of Boothbay. We also extend our heart-felt condolences to Pat Farrin and his family on the recent death of Pat’s sister, Ruth. You are all in our thoughts at this very difficult time.

Happy Daylight Savings Time to all. Thanks for your news and have a great week.

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